Do you need a separate bank account for your rental property? A landlord’s guide
Did you know that 82% of successful landlords use separate bank accounts for their rental businesses? Managing rental properties is no small feat, and when personal and business finances intermingle, the complexity can quickly spiral out of control.
Should you accept rent payments through bank transfers? Pros and cons for landlords
Over 60% of renters in the U.S. now pay rent digitally, making bank transfers one of the most common payment methods for landlords. As the rental industry becomes more digitized, bank transfers offer landlords a secure and convenient way to collect p
What is the best way for tenants to pay rent? Choosing the right solution for your portfolio
Did you know that 56% of recent U.S. renters pay their rent online? With tenants increasingly favoring digital solutions, landlords must adapt to meet modern payment preferences while ensuring their financial processes remain efficient. The payment m
Should landlords accept money orders for rent? Key considerations
Landlords can accept money orders for rent, but you need to carefully evaluate whether this method aligns with your rent collection goals. While money orders offer secure, guaranteed payments and accessibility for tenants without banking services, th
Can you collect rent from a residence classified as commercial? Insights for landlords
Yes, you can collect rent from a residence classified as commercial—but the process often involves extra considerations. Commercial classifications bring unique legal, zoning, and operational requirements that can affect how you manage the property
Is it time for landlords to accept cryptocurrency for rent payments?
Cryptocurrency is becoming a widely accepted way to make transactions. As its popularity grows, many landlords are starting to wonder if now is the time to embrace this modern payment option. Whether you see it as innovative or experimental, it’s c
Effective strategies for landlords handling tenancy deposit deductions
End of tenancy deposit deductions can be a real headache if you aren’t sure what can or can’t be deducted. As a landlord, you want to do what you can to protect your property while staying compliant with regulations. Sometimes, this means dealing
How to issue a certificate of rent paid: What landlords need to know
As a landlord, providing the right documentation can make tax season easier for your tenants. Documents like the certificate of rent paid (CRP) are essential for tenants to claim housing-related tax benefits. Understanding how to issue this certifica