Should landlords accept credit card payments for rent?
From streamlining rent collection to managing transaction fees, paying rent with credit cards can offer both opportunities and challenges for landlords. Should landlords let tenants pay rent with a credit card, they’ll need to weigh the benefits, c
What can a commercial landlord do to collect unpaid rent? Practical solutions
Unpaid rent is a common challenge for commercial landlords, often leading to financial strain and operational disruptions. Late or missing payments can negatively impact cash flow, damage landlord-tenant relationships, and potentially result in legal
Can landlords avoid credit card charges for rent payments?
Many tenants prefer to pay their rent digitally, with credit cards being a popular choice due to their convenience and rewards. While this payment method offers flexibility, it also introduces costly processing fees that can eat into your rental inco
How technology can help you set up a smooth commercial rent collection process
Commercial rent collection can be one of the most challenging aspects of property management, often causing stress and administrative burdens for landlords. Tracking payments, following up with tenants, and handling cash flow can quickly become overw
Is rent guarantee insurance worth it for landlords? What it is and how it works
A recent study found that 15% of renters in the U.S. are behind on their rent payments, highlighting the financial risks landlords face. Late or missed payments can disrupt cash flow, making it challenging to cover mortgage payments and property expe
Do you need a separate bank account for your rental property? A landlord’s guide
Did you know that 82% of successful landlords use separate bank accounts for their rental businesses? Managing rental properties is no small feat, and when personal and business finances intermingle, the complexity can quickly spiral out of control.
Should you accept rent payments through bank transfers? Pros and cons for landlords
Over 60% of renters in the U.S. now pay rent digitally, making bank transfers one of the most common payment methods for landlords. As the rental industry becomes more digitized, bank transfers offer landlords a secure and convenient way to collect p
What is the best way for tenants to pay rent? Choosing the right solution for your portfolio
Did you know that 56% of recent U.S. renters pay their rent online? With tenants increasingly favoring digital solutions, landlords must adapt to meet modern payment preferences while ensuring their financial processes remain efficient. The payment m